MSF Warehouse

Doctors Without Borders:
MSF Warehouse

The MSF (Doctors Without Borders) Warehouse is a virtual gift catalog of the supplies used in MSF's field projects, as well as profiles some of the key people who carry out the work. You can choose from a variety of products (or collections) and send a gift e-cards to your friends – or just make a donation for yourself.

✔ We succeeded with a comprehensive redesign of the e-commerce flow and conversion funnel, encompassing all product and e-card SKUs, to deliver an enhanced online purchasing experience.

✔ Our redesign focused on consistency, clarity and simplicity, streamlining interactions from cart to checkout and providing users with a seamless, personalized shopping journey.

Applied Expertise: Research, UX, UI Design.
Agency: Grassriots

Services provided:
✔ Research and ideation
✔ Wireframes
✔ Interactive Prototype


Nomans Land Creative: MSF Warehouse UX Design
  • sickkids
  • ROM
  • Avanade
  • CGI
  • DAC
  • Microsoft
  • Accenture
  • Slalom